Self-Build Certification
For DIY Builders
Our Self-Build Certification Program is built to fit an Individual Build, We have created an efficient program that is easy to follow and understand, taking you step-by-step through your build. After submitting photo or video documentation of your build's checkpoints and you complete it with full compliance, we will send you a Certification Letter and Certification Insignia for your unit. There are never any "member" or ongoing fees, as we are not an Industry Association.
What you get:
30 years experience in the RV quality assurance industry
Applicable codes you will need, to assure quality compliance
Checklist for your build, gated into four "checkpoints"
Unlimited Phone and Email consulting for any questions you may have
Letter of Certification upon completion
Certification Insignia upon completion​

Manufacturer Certification
Quality Assurance for Your Facility
Our Manufacturer Certification Program works much like our Self-Build Program. We will help you establish a Quality Control Program for your facility. We can help you with your designs, and the development of your test documentation and production.
What you get:
Initial evaluation of your Facility, including test equipment and operation
Initial Certification of Facility
Annual Facility Inspections, 1 per year, up to 4.
Establishment of a Quality Control Program
Design Approval Evaluation to applicable codes, if needed
Unlimited Phone and Email consultations
Certification Insignias and Letters for each unit you build, upon completion